
Make Living Walls Easy

Florafelt Pocket Panels are the easiest and most affordable way to create a living wall or vertical garden. Simply mount the panels to a waterproofed surface, stretch open the pockets, then plant. Please take the time to read and understand our instructions. We’ve been using the system successfully for years and have learned the best ways to use this unique vertical garden system. Designers use the system worldwide with incredible success. The best part is that you can easily change out plants and modify irrigation at will. Review our installation instructions below to learn how it’s done.


Florafelt Vertical Garden Install by Planted Design.

Mounting Methods

There are many ways to mount Florafelt Pocket Panels. You can simply hang them from their included mounting tabs or screw them directly to waterproofed walls. Have a look at our mounting methods link below.

See: Florafelt Pocket Panels Mounting Methods

Florafelt Pocket Panel hangs from mounting tabs.

Florafelt Pocket Panel hangs from mounting tabs.

Hang From Mounting Tabs

Florafelt Pocket Panels are lightweight modular panels with felt pockets attached to a rigid plastic board. The panels come with hanging tabs so they can also be hung on hooks, nails, or deck screws which works great for small installations in wet areas.

See: Hang On Hooks


Florafelt Pockets Living Wall Waterproof Install Detail

The Florafelt Pocket living walls can be installed indoors, but special care needs to be taken to protect the surface from moisture. The detail drawing provided by Florafelt can be used to construct a custom living wall installation that suits your needs. The edge frame details help to finish the edge for a professional and tidy detail.

Additionally, a recirculating system can be created by connecting the gutter to a water collection tank. This way the water can be reused and it will help to conserve water as well as reducing the need for frequent watering.


How to use deck screws to mount Florafelt Pocket Panels

To mount Florafelt Pocket panels to a waterproofed plywood surface, use smooth polymer coated deck screws. Make sure to pull the top flap forward so it is positioned in front of the panel above to allow for proper water flow. Before installation, ensure that the panels are evenly spaced and level by pre-marking the wall. To ensure a watertight seal, use EPDM rubber pond liner for waterproofing.

1. Pull the top flap outward

2. Be sure the top flap is in front of the panel above

3. Attach with smooth coated deck screws

4. Locate deck screws at the corner pockets upper edge


Recommended Fastener

Grip-Rite – 8x 1-5/8 in. Philips Bugle-Head Coarse Thread Sharp Point Polymer Coated Exterior Screw – Home Depot


Make the screws disappear

Lift the felt at the edges to hide screws behind the first layer.

Florafelt Pockets stretch open 2-3 inches before planting. (Showplant Nursuries)

Stretch Open Pockets

Before you plant, first stretch open all the pockets using a small pipe or tool handle to get leverage. Pull firmly but not excessively. Felt will give and stretch to about 2 ½ inches out.


Legacy Panels Prior to 2024: Tuck in the Flaps

You may encounter older Florafelt Pocket Panel walls that have loose flaps at the bottom edge of the panels. Inspect the installed system to make sure the bottom panels are tucked in properly. Tuck the bottom flap of the upper panel behind the top flap of the one below. This is important to to ensure proper water flow throughout the wall.

Florafelt Pocket Panels: Tuck bottom flaps into the panel below. (Showplant Nurseries)
Florafelt Pockets Panels: Tuck in flaps for even watering.

Florafelt Root Wraps

Wraps are made from the same material as the pockets only thinner. Wraps wick water to the soil. Root will grow into and through the loosely woven felt. Wraps are very important because they hold the soil together and prevent air gaps. They can be reused or you can order new ones.

Florafelt Wrapped plant removed from a living wall and showing roots.

Florafelt Wrapped plant removed from a living wall and showing roots.

Change and Rearrange

Plants can be removed and changed. Mature plants attach themselves to the felt by their roots but can still be removed if required. Small hair like roots can be broken and moved if necessary. Often root disturbance will not harm the plant if moved.

Florafelt Root Wrap

Root Wraps Make Planting Easy

Root wraps, made from the same water-wicking materials as the Pocket Panels, are a great way to ensure that the roots of your plants grow through and into the living wall system. They also make it easy to handle and change out plants in your living wall.

The Florafelt pockets come with a custom Root-Wrapping system, which is like a soft barrier for each plant. These wraps are made from 100% recycled water bottle plastics and are designed to last a lifetime.


Planting a Florafelt Compact Kit.

Planting the Wall

It is important to install and test the irrigation system before using it. Check for even flow by feeling inside the back of the pockets. Moisture should collect at the bottom fold of each pocket, while the front of the pocket should remain dry to allow the roots and soil to breathe.

When planting, ensure that the folds of the wrapped plant are facing towards the front and seat the root-wrapped plant firmly to touch the bottom of the pocket. Water will be absorbed by the plant’s roots, and over time the roots will grow through the wrapper and into the moist felt pocket.

Florafelt Pocket Panel with two drip emitters per pocket at the top row only.

Florafelt Pocket Panel with two drip emitters per pocket at the top row only.

Florafelt Pocket Panels Irrigation

The Florafelt Pocket Panel system uses minimal soil, so it must be watered frequently depending on the exposure and types of plants used. It’s important to note that because water moves through the system, watering more frequently for shorter periods will conserve water. The frequency of watering will vary depending on the situation and type of plants.

For example, exterior walls may need to be watered 4 times a day for 5 minutes, while interior walls may only need to be watered 2 times a day for 15 minutes or every other day for 10 minutes.

The best timing cycle for your living wall can be determined by observing the soil and touching it. If the soil is soggy, you are probably watering it too much. You want moist soil, not soggy soil.

If the soil seems dry, it needs more water. Avoid allowing the wall to get too dry, as this can cause plants to wilt and make it difficult to rehydrate the very dry, hydrophobic soil.

Florafelt Pocket Panel vertical garden planter: How It Works

Florafelt Pocket Panel vertical garden planter: How It Works

Water Flows Through

The Florafelt Pocket Panels require regular and consistent watering. Water moves through the system and drips from the bottom. Moisture collects at the bottom fold in each pocket. Roots grow into the moist felt. Wrapped plants must touch the bottom fold to wick moisture.

Florafelt Pocket Panel drip irrigation installation.

Florafelt Pocket Panel drip irrigation installation.

Connect to Existing Drip Systems

Automatic irrigation is highly recommended for the Florafelt Pocket Panel system. It is best to connect it to its own “zone” so you can easily adjust the watering schedule.

Vertical gardens require more frequent watering than traditional planters. For most exterior situations, it is suggested to water 4 times a day for 5-10 minutes. However, it is important to note that watering needs may vary depending on the specific location and types of plants used, so it is important to adjust the schedule as needed.

Observing the soil moisture, foliage and plant’s health will help you to fine-tune the watering schedule for optimal growth.


Drip Irrigation Kit

The Florafelt Pocket Panel system offers a pre-assembled drip irrigation kit that can save you time and hassle. The kit includes a pre-assembled timer, filter, and pressure regulator unit that makes it easy to set up and get started quickly. The irrigation and button emitters can also be customized to fit your specific installation. This option is ideal for those who want to ensure that their plants receive the optimal amount of water without the need for manual watering. The pre-assembled kit simplifies the process and allows you to focus on other aspects of your vertical garden.

Florafelt Pocket Panel Drain Tray
Florafelt Pocket Panels drain-away gutter.

Florafelt Pocket Panels drain-away gutter.

Drip to Garden or Planter Below

Many installations of the Florafelt Pocket Panel system are installed in places where there is a garden directly below the living wall. In these cases, it is important to consider adding a French drain or rock bed to catch any drips from the living wall. This will help to prevent flooding in the garden below. Additionally, it is recommended to set the irrigation timer to water in short bursts to minimize runoff and prevent any potential damage to the garden below. By taking these precautions, you can help to ensure that your living wall is well-watered while also protecting the garden below.

Florafelt Pocket Panels custom recirculating vertical garden for Google Sunnyvale Campus by Planted Design.

Florafelt Pocket Panels custom recirculating vertical garden for Google Sunnyvale Campus by Planted Design.

Recirculating Systems

Living walls without access to a drain require a self-contained system. These systems use tanks to store water and a pump to circulate it. Water is pumped to the top of the wall, flows through the plants, and collects back in the tanks. This setup is efficient and relatively easy to install with basic carpentry knowledge.

See: Custom Recirculating Installation



After 6 months, the soil in the wall will begin to lose its nutrients. Depending on the plant choices, the natural decay within the wall can reach a balance. However, in most cases, the plants will prefer to be fed. To keep the microbiology within the soil active and alive, we recommend using organic-based fertilizers.

A good choice would be Maxsea seaweed-based fertilizer or a similar product. It is important to wait until the leaves of the plants become slightly pale before feeding them to avoid over-fertilization. Too much fertilizer will make the plants grow too quickly and produce sugars that will attract pests.

Additionally, it is important to avoid chemical fertilizers as they can cause salt buildup and harm the plants.


Manual Fertilizing Options

To ensure that the plants in the wall are getting the nutrients they need, it is important to spray diluted fertilizer topically with a pressure sprayer. This should be done in the Spring or Summer as needed.

Additionally, adding organic time-release plant food spikes under the drip emitters at the top pockets can provide a steady supply of nutrients throughout the growing season. You can also add time-release pellets or spikes in plant pockets where needed for added fertilizer. By using a combination of topical spraying and time-release fertilizers, your plants will have the proper nutrition to thrive and grow.


Automatic Fertilizer Injector

To ensure that your plants are getting the proper nutrition, you can add a dosing pump to your irrigation system. The pump will add a very diluted plant food to your drip system, providing your plants with the necessary nutrients to thrive. A great option for this is the Dosatron inline plant food injectors, which use water pressure to operate the pump. This makes it very simple to use, as no additional electrical connection is required. A popular model for this is the Dosatron Fertilizer Injector D25F1. It is easy to install and will help you to maintain a healthy and beautiful green wall.


Recirc System Feeding

Add Maxsea to tank, light feeding is best

Often very little food is required for indoor plants, if any

Light feeding in spring is good for most indoor plants

Be careful not to over-feed, plants could produce excess sugars that can attract pests


Seasonal Use

Plant colorful blooming annuals for color

Try herbs and vegetables

Allow to die back each year then replant in the spring

Also you can start from seeds



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Seasonal Use

  • Plant colorful blooming annuals for color

  • Try herbs and vegetables

  • Allow to die back each year then replant in the spring

  • Also you can start from seeds



  • Contact us

  • Send photos of your situation

  • We can help you get it back on track