Florafelt Living Wall Systems

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Urban Bistro Vertical Garden

Plants On Walls installed a 14" x 12" living wall with 360 individual ferns using Florafelt pocket planters for Urban Bistro in Burlingame, California. http://PlantsOnWalls.com

Urban Bistro Burlingame Vertical Garden by Chris Bribach of Plants On Walls using the Florafelt System.

Blue Star Fern used in the Florafelt vertical garden system.

Blue Star Fern used in the Florafelt vertical garden system.

BLUE STAR FERN (phlebodium aureum mandaianum): The Blue Star Fern is a beautiful but rugged fern that makes a vivid accent for your vertical garden. After a few years, the fuzzy orange roots begin to crawl over the felt pockets, creating even more dynamic color contrasts.

The fantasy-blue color of this easy-to-grow fern is reminiscent of nautical and water-related design, and make it a stunning addition to living walls. The oversized fronds make a bold canvas for the truly striking color. Best grown in shade to part shade, this is a very forgiving fern, provided it is not overwatered, and shows good drought tolerance.