Sansevieria Bedroom Vertical Garden
Florafelt Recirc 33-Pocket Units planted with Sansevieria with LED lighting.
Sansevieria is often called the Bedroom Plant. It’s one of the few plants that are active at night, converting CO2 to oxygen. This vertical garden was created with two Florafelt Recirc-33, for a total of 66 plants. To allow for better drainage and help prevent overwatering in the interior location, the soil was enriched with bark inside each root wrapper. Since the room has little light, high power LED spot bulbs nourish the wall in daytime hours, and pumps run for 30 minutes per day. The wall started as small plants that filled in over the past year without fertilizer, and they’re still growing. Look closely and you’ll see maidenhair ferns that joined the wall on their own.